对自己宽容一点,心胸开阔一点…Whether you’re an undergraduate just starting, 转移, 或者一个研究生, 你不需要知道所有问题的答案. Nothing is written in stone, and you can always shift and change….I ended up exactly where I needed to be, and you will, too.


  • 明矾
联系瑞秋 她/
Ph.D. 英语修辞学与写作

For as long as she can remember, Rachel has loved words. Her mother recognized this fascination for the first time when she found Rachel, 蹒跚学步时, 坐在地板上,周围是一堆书, methodically turning pages as if she were already reading to herself. 随着她的成长, Rachel fostered her love of words through her education, 这种激情在她的职业生涯中一直延续着. She received her bachelor's degree in English with a minor in literature and a minor in writing. 然后她去了德州A&M University-商务, where she received both a master's in English and a graduate certificate in Adolescent and Young Adult Literature. 然后她继续在A&移动商务,获得博士学位.D in English with a focus in Rhetoric and Composition.

Rachel taught college-level writing and literature courses for several years, both at A&移动商务 and as an adjunct professor at Southwestern Assemblies of God University. She has also worked on several writing and editing projects, 包括最新版的“写作探究”,” A&移动商务的第一年写作课程. 目前, 在营销和传播办公室工作, 瑞秋是一名作家, 用她对文字的热情来表现A&移动商务. 在她空闲的时候, Rachel loves to spend time with her husband and their two dogs, 播放音乐, 花园, 还有(你猜对了)读和写.



When I was an undergraduate at Southwestern Assemblies of God University, 我是两位英语教授的助教, Dr. 丹尼·亚历山大博士. 艾米·亚历山大. They always supported and encouraged me and told me I should consider attending grad school after I completed my bachelor's. 他们都是从A毕业的&移动商务 (back when it was East Texas State University) and suggested I apply. 我对研究生院一无所知, 我家里没人去过, 于是亚历山大夫妇成了我的导师和向导. 他们帮我办理了申请手续, 写了我的推荐信, 当我进去的时候, they even helped me pick what classes I should take for my first semester! 我很感激能来这里, 因为我不仅接受了良好的教育, but it's also where I met my husband (who is an English Ph.D. 这里也是候选人).

Tell us about a project you are working on or have completed.

我喜欢谈论我的论文. It’s titled “Miss Monstress: 《女人的审判 and Rhetorical Framing of Texas Women on Trial for Murder.” Basically, I first looked at the societal expectations of women in Texas. 然后, I studied three different cases of women who stood trial for murder and were found guilty, analyzing how the media and prosecution rhetorically used those social expectations against them to frame them all as “bad women.” It's REALLY fascinating, and when I start talking about it, I can't stop!


对自己宽容一点,心胸开阔一点. 很多时候, college students can feel pressure to have everything figured out, with that five-year plan locked and loaded and ready to go. In reality, people and interests and plans can change…and that's normal and okay! 无论你是刚开始学习的本科生, 转移, 或者一个研究生, 你不需要知道所有问题的答案. Nothing is written in stone, and you can always shift or change or be flexible. I changed my major in undergrad, and then changed my focus in my Ph.D. 研究,一切都很顺利! I ended up exactly where I needed to be, and you will, too.

  • Ph.D.英语,德克萨斯州&硕士大学-商业,2024年
  • M.A., English, 研究生 Certificate in Children's and Young Adult Literature, 皇冠体育365赌博&硕士大学-商业,2019年
  • B.A., English, Minor in Literature, Minor in Writing, Southwestern Assemblies of God University, 2017

  • 女权主义言论
  • 犯罪修辞
  • 青少年/儿童文学
  • 美洲原住民文学
  • 创意写作



当一个女人因谋杀受审时, the media and prosecution often focus less on the evidence and more on the woman and her identity; the ways she meets (or doesn't meet) societal expectations is often used against her.

  • 麦克肖恩,瑞秋. “识字,话语,赞助.” 写调查, 3日艾德., 加文·约翰逊编辑, Ashanka Kumari, Brian 麦克肖恩,瑞秋 McShane, 和艾米丽·利特尔约翰, 大礼帽., 2023.
  • 麦克肖恩,瑞秋. “Code-Switching, Code-Meshing, and Tensions in Literacies: A Brief Introduction to Unit 3.” 写调查, 3日艾德., 加文·约翰逊编辑, Ashanka Kumari, Brian 麦克肖恩,瑞秋 McShane, 和艾米丽·利特尔约翰, 大礼帽., 2023.
  • 麦克肖恩,瑞秋. “研究: Primary, Secondary, and Evaluating Sources, Oh My!” 写调查, 3日艾德., 加文·约翰逊编辑, Ashanka Kumari, Brian 麦克肖恩,瑞秋 McShane, 和艾米丽·利特尔约翰, 大礼帽., 2023.
  • 麦克肖恩,瑞秋. “Dancing Indian Princess: How Appropriation of Native American Dance is Sexual Violence.” A Record of the Wreckage of My Life: YA Voices in the #MeToo Movement, 金伯利·卡什纳编辑. 弗农出版社,2023年.
  • 第一首诗.” 图像美国西南神召会大学编辑. 艾米·乔治等. al. 2018年4月. (诗歌) (Rachel Huddleston出版.)


A graphic with a tree and the phrase "Black history: honoring the past inspiring the future."

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